The Illicit Drugs Trade in the United Kingdom

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The aim of the research presented in this report was to understand how high level drug dealers operate and how markets for illicit drugs work. At the core of this research study is a large-scale, face-to-face, interview programme with 222 individuals in prison convicted of serious drug-related offences. Information collected during these interviews was analysed using a number of tools drawn from the disciplines of business analysis, economics and social network analysis. To ensure the integrity of the findings a thorough process of validation with a wide range of knowledge holders was undertaken. The findings are discussed under the following headings: market dynamics, which provides an overview of the market conditions within which the different enterprises have to operate; enterprise structures, which explores how and why individuals enter the market, how enterprises are structured, individuals’ roles, key business processes, and examines links with legitimate businesses; and strategic responses by dealers, which explores the adaptations and strategies that individuals involved in the market undertake. It examines: how enterprises grow; the extent of competition, collusion and collaboration; risk management responses; and the impact of law enforcement.

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