EZ Test Marquis (1 Pack = 2 Individual Tests)

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Buy EZ Test Marquis (1 Pack = 2 Individual Tests) on our online store Wide Eyed owl - at a bargain price. EZ Test Marquis (1 Pack = 2 Individual Tests) We have a wide selection of EZ Test Marquis (1 Pack = 2 Individual Tests)

Product Description

EZ Test Marquis was the first Ecstasy Test Kit ever to come onto the market (by EZ Test, of course...). It screens for:

Ecstasy ,'XTC', DXM, 2C-B/C/I DOB DOI, Methylone, Butlylone , Naphyrone, Meth, Amphetamine and opiates .

It's a classic!

Contains 2 ampoules for 2 tests per pack.


EZ Test proudly presents its new packaging which has many advantages compared to other, less advanced, test kits on the market. With completely redesigned packaging to meet the demands of the future.


  • One step (single use) tests
  • Super user friendly
  • Results within seconds
  • Highly reliable and consistent
  • Accurate and sensitive
  • Safe and easy to use
  • No dangerous liquid reagents
  • 3 year shelf life! !
  • Economical
  • No hazardous Shipping concerns

There are 4 quick and easy steps to follow. 
1) Crack open the ampoule. 
2) Insert a tiny amount of the sample. 
3) Put the plastic lid on and shake well. 
4) Compare the colour change to the chart and dispose of carefully. 
Due to the unavailability of certain chemicals that are needed to produce both legal and illegal drugs, the market is flooded with substances that are not what they claim to be. 
The EZ testing kits are purely a guide to help better understand what a substance might contain. 
We advise that you do not touch any substance without knowing the exact ingredients, which can be made available through more extensive further laboratory testing.

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