
SnowHigh Seeds Tahoe Snow

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Buy SnowHigh Seeds Tahoe Snow on our online store Wide Eyed owl - at a bargain price. SnowHigh Seeds Tahoe Snow We have a wide selection of SnowHigh Seeds Tahoe Snow
Tahoe Snow is the combination of an original Tahoe OG Kush cut pollinated with Snow Highs True Gangster Kush males. The True Gangster Kush is a combination of modern day OG Kush combined with 2 different Pakistani Kush lines. The work for this strain was done to produce males for a selection process with some of the best OG Kush and OG Kush hybrids in the world. I started off with over 50 plants and finally selected them down to 2 males and 4 females after growing them out the long way to evaluate their traits and expressions. The 2 True Gangster Kush males have been used in upcoming work but this line was made for those interested in OG Kush genetics that have real Pakistani Kush in them which hasnt been made by reversing sex of female plants. This line will be limited with the intention of the final product having all the traits that people come to love from OG Kush but without the pitfalls of poor rooting, poor yields and sensitivity issues. Tahoe Snow is a very vigorous OG Kush/Pakistani x Modern OG Kush hybrid strain which has good branching, fast maturation, potent compact resinous floral clusters that yield heavier than most OG Kush lines.Flower time range 7-8 weeksIndica dominantStretch 1 to 2xResin production: HighOdor: 8Aroma: OG Kush dank fuel, with some phenos leaning toward Pine forest.Flavor: 8Lemon Pine sol and toasted caramel with some phenos expressing true PinePotency: 9High Type: A very medicinal strain, immediate euphoric body and head effect which is very potent but very manageable depending on level of intake.Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. Wide Eyed Owl sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes only or for storage in case the laws in the UK may change and for the conservation of cannabis seeds. We do not condone or encourage the germination of these cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us believe they will use these for anything other than souvenir purposes. Seeds sold by Wide eyed owl may not be germinated in countries not legal to do so. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO GERMINATE CANNABIS SEEDS IN MOST COUNTRIES
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