FastBuds Seeds Tangie'matic AUTO

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Buy FastBuds Seeds Tangie'matic AUTO on our online store Wide Eyed owl - at a bargain price. FastBuds Seeds Tangie'matic AUTO We have a wide selection of FastBuds Seeds Tangie'matic AUTO

FastBuds Seeds Tangie'matic Auto Feminized Cannabis Seeds Tangie'matic is a creation made by FastBuds Seeds using a Tangie clone brought from Bernadino in California. Due to its high medicinal properties this Sativa dominant variety is recommeded for people suffering from migraines, anxiety, depression, chronic stress or lack of appetite. The smell is citrusy with background of fruity undertones and its taste is truly tangie with a spicy aftertaste. Tangie'matic produces typical for Sativa plants high - heavy physical stone combined with creative mind high. This easy to cultivate variety produces extremely aromatic buds. The yields which she can provide when the right enviroment and room is provided are impressive. Due to her size (80-130cm) should not be kept in small spaces. Flowering Time : 63 DaysSex : FeminizedType : Sativa Dominant Area : Indoor and Outdoor Please Note: This content is for informational and educational use only. Wide Eyed Owl sells all seeds strictly for souvenir purposes only or for storage in case the laws in the UK may change and for the conservation of cannabis seeds. We do not condone or encourage the germination of these cannabis seeds and we will refuse a sale to anyone who leads us believe they will use these for anything other than souvenir purposes. Seeds sold by Wide eyed owl may not be germinated in countries not legal to do so. WARNING: IT IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO GERMINATE CANNABIS SEEDS IN MOST COUNTRIES.

FastBuds Seeds